Webinar Series 2025
Webinar videorecordings will be permanently accessible via EFOMP's elearning platform
EFOMP Special Interest Group on Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry (SIGFRID) webinar series
The objective of the Special Interest Group for Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry (SIG_FRID) is to establish a network of medical physicists working in radionuclide dosimetry. The SIG aims to fulfil the need for networking, education, research and professional exchanges in this field. The SIG_FRID was created in February 2021 and has a membership of 180 Medical Physicists (January 2024) specialised in this subfield.
The rationale of this SIG
Therapeutic applications in nuclear medicine are developing rapidly. They use a growing range of vectors (simple vector molecules, peptides, antibodies), medical devices (radiolabelled microspheres) and radioactive isotopes (beta, but also alpha or Auger). Due to this variety, the characterisation of the irradiation delivered to the patient is at the same time stimulating and challenging. Nevertheless, treatment planning and verification in nuclear medicine therapy, seldom performed in the past in radioiodine therapy for benign or malignant thyroid disease, is nowadays requested (implementation in national law of the Basic Safety Standard Council Directive EU 2013/59). Moreover, reliable absorbed dose calculations are now available thanks to technological and scientific developments of the last decades. More information about SIGFRID could be found via this link.
SIGFRID is oranising scientific meetings and case reports. A scientific meeting usually includes 3 x 30 min talks, followed by a general discussion (30 min) and a case report 30 min talk, followed by a general discussion (30 min).
Educational courses will complement the scientific meetings and case reports in 2025 - 2026. This initiative will cater profesionnals and students seeking to learn and expand their expertise in nuclear medicine dosimetry.
Case reports are open to all, but Scientific meetings are restricted to SIG_FRID members.
Organisers: SIGFRID
Steffie Peters & Silvano Gnesin
Email: webinars@efomp.org
SIGFRID webinar |
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Lecturers-Panelists |
1 |
January 13, 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CET |
Live Q&A session for SIG_FRID webinars on the basics of dosimetry. The webinar can be found here: EFOMP's elearning platform |
All faculty from the SIG_FRID webinars on the e-Learning platform. |
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February 4, 2025 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIGFRID Scientific Meeting: Absorbed dose effect relations in Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy: 'Current status of ADER in PRRT' 'Clinical perspective on the role of dosimetry and ADER in PRRT' 'Using 68Ga-PET for the prediction of 177Lu absorbed dose in PRRT' The webinar can be found here: EFOMP's elearning platform |
Carl-Fredrik Warfvinge (Oncology Specialist, Lund University, Sweden) Emmanuel Deshayes (Nuclear Medicine Physician, Montpellier Cancer Institute, France) Gerhard Glatting (MPE Ulm University, Germany) |
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April 15, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIG_FRID Dosimetry Case Report Meeting |
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June 3, 2025 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIG_FRID Scientific Meeting |
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August 12, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIG_FRID Dosimetry Case Report Meeting |
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October 21, 2025 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIG_FRID Scientific Meeting |
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December 2, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CET |
EFOMP SIG_FRID Dosimetry Case Report Meeting |
EFOMP European & International Matters Committee webinar series
About European & International Matters Committee
About Early Career Special Interest Group
The European & international Matters Committee is responsible to the Council of the Federation for the representation of the interest of the Federation to the various bodies across the European Union and beyond.
This year, the committee will organise a series of webinars together with the EFOMP Special Interest Group on Early Careers.
Antonio López Medina, Irene Polycarpou & Leticia Irazola Rosales
Email: webinars@efomp.org
EUM webinar |
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Lecturers-Panelists |
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January 30, 2025 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CET
EFOMP-AAPM webinar on "Bridging Continents: Inspiring Journeys of Medical Physicists Between Europe and North America" The webinar can be found here: EFOMP's elearning platform and EFOMP Youtube Channel This webinar has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists and has been granted 9 CPD points at EQF Level 8. The Accreditation Code for the event is APP00314. |
Thomas Bortfeld, PhD, Chief of Physics Division and Professor of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA Jenny Bertholet, PhD, Academic-Clinical Medical Physicist, Insel Gruppe, Switzerland Viktor Iakovenko, PhD, Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology, UT Southwestern, USA |
EFOMP Special Interest Group on Dental Imaging (SIG_DENTAL_IMAGING) webinar series
The EFOMP hereby announces a new Special Interest Group (SIG) entitled “Dental Imaging”. The SIG will operate under the Scientific and Education & Training Committees and is established as a permanent structure of EFOMP. The SIG has been approved during the EFOMP Spring Officers meeting in Helsinki in May 2022 and presented to Council in Dublin in August 2022.
The rationale of this SIG
The rationale of the SIG: The high frequency of dental imaging, and the recent surge in the use of Cone Beam CT, warrants an active role of MPs in this field. In particular, private practitioners tend to work more independently, and can benefit the most from an increased and more dedicated involvement of Medical Physicists. Practices between European countries vary considerably e.g. legislation, recognition of oral radiology specialty. There is a need to evaluate these differences and harmonize the current practices.
More information about SIGFRID could be found via this link.
Eirini Tsaggari, Paddy Gilligan and Ruben Pauwels
Email: webinars@efomp.org
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Lecturers-Panelists |
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January 14, 2025 12:30 PM - 14:00 PM CET |
EFOMP webinar on topic "Enhancing Dental CBCT Imaging: Quality Assurance, Patient Dosimetry, and Virtual Imaging Trials": 1. Patient dosimetry and introduction to virtual imaging trials (VITs) for quality assessment and optimization in dental CBCT imaging; The webinar can be found here: EFOMP's elearning platform This webinar has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists and has been granted 10 CPD points at EQF Level 8. The Accreditation Code for the event is APP00311. |
Karen Merken, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Joke Binst, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium |
Webinar videorecordings will be permanently accessible via EFOMP's elearning platform
IMPORTANT: Please note that the GoToWebinar platform is software-based. This means that you will be prompted to download the GTW Opener (.exe) when joining the webinar. If your workplace does not support downloading this software, please use your personal computers when attending the webinars.