Current Working Groups

EFOMP Working Groups


"The role of the Medical Physicists and Medical Physics Experts in the management of medical laser sources" - Policy Statement 21

The WG is ready to operate under the EFOMP Professional Matters Committee from July 2024 to July 2026. The chair of the WG is Mani Manivannan (United Kingdom).

The rationale of the WG: Medical Physics Experts working within the hospitals are often appointed as Laser Safety Experts for the lasers used in medical applications. Their role is to contribute to maintaining a safe, effective and optimised use of laser-based devices for patients, staff and visitors. In particular, it comprises quality controls, risk management (designation of laser-controlled areas, definition of protection provisions, including protective equipment, signs, etc.), staff and user training, optimisation and safety of the practices.


"Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - Breast"

The WG will operate under Science Committee from March 2023 to December 2024. The chair of the WG is Tuomas Koivumäki (Finland).

The rationale of the WG:  In many scientific papers, the VMAT technique has shown to improve the target coverage and reduce the unwanted dose to critical organs. The techniques used with VMAT seems to alter from center to center. Still it is unknown how many centers in European level use VMAT in breast radiotherapy treatments. 



Joint Working Groups



The WG is ready to operate under the EFOMP Science Committee from November 2024 to November 2026. The chair of the WG is Jaroslav Ptáček (CZ).

The rationale behind this WG is to bring together key stakeholders to identify the way in which a future MRT-DICOM standard should be implemented. The identification of pre-existing tags, or tags that could be used for this purpose, will be carried out and then translated into a joint recommendation.



Joint ESTRO-ESR-EANM-EFOMP "Software as a Medical Device in Medical Physics"

The WG is ready to operate under the EFOMP Science Committee from November 2024 to November 2026. The chair of the WG is Christina Zacharatou (IRL).

The rationale behind this WG is that not many publications have appeared so far in the literature on the implementation of EU MDR 2017/745 in clinical practice. The Regulation is not always clear to interpret and many grey areas remain. European guidelines are needed to facilitate its clinical integration. EFOMP can help users by creating awareness and proposing the homogenisation of current practice and national recommendations.




"Core curriculum revision for Medical Physics Experts working in Nuclear Medicine".

The WG will operate from April 2022 to April 2024.  The rationale of the WG is to update the latest core curriculum.

Read Core Curricula for Medical Physics Experts here:


“Quality controls in conventional and solid state detector gamma cameras”

The WG will operate under Science Committee from September 2023 to September 2025. The chair of the WG is Laetitia Imbert (France). 

The rationale of the WG:  The literature on routine Quality Controls procedures for conventional gamma cameras is out-of-date or no more valid. No quality control guidelines even exists for solid state gamma cameras (both dedicated cardiac cameras and more recently introduced general purpose cameras), which need a specific and dedicated approach in the definition of routine quality control tests. Thus, there is a demanding need for guidelines that identify a set of routine quality controls to perform on both up-to-date conventional and solid state detector gamma cameras. The set of quality controls devised should have the characteristics of being simple and easy to realize. Reference and tolerance values will also be defined. The execution of these QC would guarantee the operation of conventional and solid state detector gamma cameras under optimal conditions ensuring the best performance in routine clinical tasks. 




AAPM-EFOMP 'Technical Guidelines for the Use of Proton Therapy in Clinical Trials' (TG427).

Chair Stella Flampouri (AAPM) Vice chair Christian Rønn Hansen (EFOMP)

The rationale of the WG:
1. Outline physicist responsibilities to ensure compliance with study requirements
2. Provide proton practice trial recommendations to ensure minimum standards for treatment quality and parity between co-existent proton delivery modes
3. Recognize bias in multimodality trials and suggest mitigations
4. Propose standards for dosimetric and imaging data collection to maximize their value
5. Discuss the integration of emerging proton therapy technologies in future clinical trials.



AAPM-EFOMP 'Development of a new breast dosimetry phantom' (TG 323).

Chair Ioannis Sechopoulos (AAPM) Vice chair Ruben van Engen (EFOMP)

The rationale of the WG: To develop a new breast phantom that adequately queries the response of the automatic exposure control (AEC) mechanisms of digital mammography, breast tomosynthesis and contrast-enhanced digital mammography systems in a clinically realistic fashion.



AAPM-ESTRO-EFOMP "FLASH (ultra-high dose rate) radiation dosimetry" (TG359).

Chair Dimitris Mihailidis (AAPM) Vice chair Yolanda Prezado (EFOMP)

The WG will review the uncertainty in determining the dose and need for standardization in dosimetry for FLASH beams to be used in experiments, research and potentially in pre-clinical applications.

  • Assess the factors that would affect the beam dosimetric characteristics in FLASH mode, compared to standard delivery.
  • Assess the suitability of radiation measurement equipment (ion chambers, film, diodes, Faraday cap, etc) for FLASH mode.
  • Provide general guidelines on calibration, dosimetry and reporting of beams in FLASH mode.



AAPM-EFOMP  "Invasive Cardiovascular X-ray Imaging" (TG 389)

Chair Ken Fetterly (AAPM) Vice chair Hilde Bosmans (EFOMP)

X-ray angiography systems are used to diagnose and treat cardiovascular (CV) disease in adult and pediatric patients. Disease conditions commonly encountered in the invasive CV practice include arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, chronic and acute coronary artery stenosis, and adult and pediatric structural heart disease. When imaging the vessels and devices within and near the heart, cardiac motion and rapid blood flow contribute to unique X-ray imaging conditions. Further, cardiovascular disease is treated with a variety of devices ranging in size from small to large compared to the spatial resolution properties of the X-ray systems. The purpose of this TG is to generate a Report describing imaging conditions unique to diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease; technical considerations for X-ray angiography and fluoroscopy imaging; and recommendations to optimize relationship between image quality and patient radiation dose.


AAPM-EFOMP  " Recommendations for the safe clinical use of respiratory-correlated four-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging in radiotherapy " (TG 391)

Chair Martin Fast (EFOMP), Vice chair Eric Paulson (AAPM) 

Define the (minimum) requirements for the use of respiratory-correlated 4D-MRI acquisitions in radiotherapy, including considerations for scanner hardware, sequence parameterization, motion surrogate, and personnel and their roles.
Provide practical clinical implementation guidelines for 4D-MRI, including general and organ-specific protocol optimization and workflow recommendations.
Outline recommended RT-specific acceptance, commissioning, and periodic QA for 4DMRI on MR-sim and MR-linac based on early user experience.
Discuss potential future developments in 4D-MRI and their relevance to the RT workflow.


AAPM-EFOMP  "Radiation Oncology Contingency Plan Against Cyberattacks " (TG 393)

Chair : Baoshe Zhang (AAPM) Vice chair Brendan McClean (EFOMP)

The charges support the implementation of contingency plan for a radiation therapy clinic to resume patient treatments within a reasonable timeframe, following a cyberattack that leaves institutional computing and network services compromised and/or unavailable.