Working Group on “Angiographic and fluoroscopic systems - QC protocol”

Publication Date: Dec 20th, 2018 08:53, Category: EFOMP Announcements

The EFOMP hereby announces a new Working Group (WG) entitled “Angiographic and fluoroscopic systems - QC protocol”. The WG will operate under Scientific Committee from Jun 2019 to Jun 2021. 
The rationale of the WG: There is lack of an harmonized procedure to test angiographic and fluorosopic equipment. Some of the tests proposed still used are out-of-date and meaningless. Manufacturers are organizing a joint effort to produce an IEC standard to test the equipment. It is envisioned that this protocol could prevent the proliferation of other testing protocols with diverse methods of measurement and limiting values. New strategies to evaluate clinical image quality will be investigated and eventually included in the protocol. 
The suggested chair of the WG is Annalisa Trianni (IT). The expected outcome is a QC Protocol document for Angiographic and Fluoroscopic systems which will provide recommendations for the medical physics community and will be in agreement with the manufacturers. 
The targeted audience is EFOMP members / NMOs, medical physicists, radiology professionals, vendors. The deadline to establish the WG is 21st March 2019.   
NMOs are kindly asked to distribute this announcement to their members, who can apply to be a member of this WG electronically using the attached WG member application form. A professional CV is required.

The term for accepting nominations is from 21st December 2018 to 21st March 2019.Nominations must be made electronically to (cc to using the enclosed form.

EFOMP manual 
EFOMP Guideline for New Working Groups (WG) 
