Working Group on “Artificial Intelligence”

Publication Date: Dec 20th, 2018 08:46, Category: EFOMP Announcements

The EFOMP hereby announces a new Working Group (WG) entitled “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”. The WG will operate under Scientific Committee, supported by Projects Committee and Professional Matters Committee. 
The WG will operate from Jun 2019 to Apr 2021. 
The rationale of the WG: Big data and deep learning will profoundly change various areas of professions and research in the future. This will also happen in medicine and medical imaging in particular. Quantitative aspects of data validation, QC and system modelling for the future AI methods are positioned firmly in the field of Medical Physics profession. It is our interest to ensure that our professional education, continuous training and competence will follow this significant global development. 
The suggested chair of the WG is Federica Zanca (BE). The expected outcome is an AI for Medical Physicists Curricular and Professional Program, and EFOMP school (ESMPE) AI module. The targeted audience is EFOMP members / NMOs, medical physicists, radiology professionals, and computer scientists. The deadline to establish the WG is 21st March 2019. The term for accepting nominations is from 21st December 2018 to 21st March 2019. NMOs are kindly asked to distribute this announcement to their members, who can apply to be a member of this WG electronically using the attached WG member application form. A professional CV is required.

Nominations must be made electronically to (cc to using the enclosed form.

Reference:  Kortesniemi M, Tsapaki V, Trianni A, Russo P, Maas A, Källman HE, Brambilla M, Damilakis J. The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) White Paper: Big data and deep learning in medical imaging and in relation to medical physics profession. Phys Med. 2018 Dec; 56:90-93.  

EFOMP manual 
EFOMP Guideline for New Working Groups (WG) 
