Working Group on PS14 revision announcement
Publication Date: Dec 4th, 2018 09:53, Category: EFOMP Announcements
A new WG on MRI safety recommendations - open for member candidates
The EFOMP hereby announces a new Working Group (WG) entitled “Revision of EFOMP PS14 - Safety of MRI” . The WG will operate under Scientific Committee from June 2019 to June 2020.
The rationale of the WG is to outline the development of a Safety Management System for MRI units. The Policy Statement can help eliminate or at least minimize accidents or incidents in the magnetic resonance environment and is recommended as a step towards harmonisation of safety of workers, patients, and the general public regarding the use of magnetic resonance imaging systems in diagnostic and interventional procedures.
The planned chair of the WG is Dr Simone Busoni (IT).
The expected outcome is a revision of “The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics Policy Statement No 14: The role of the Medical Physicist in the management of safety within the magnetic resonance imaging environment: EFOMP recommendations”.
The targeted audience is EFOMP members, National Member Organisations, medical physics community in general, and radiology professionals.
National Member Organisations are free to nominate an active member to work in this WG. The term for accepting nominations is from 4th December 2018 to 4th March 2019. Nominations must be made electronically to (cc to electronically using the attached WG member application form.
EFOMP manual
EFOMP Guideline for New Working Groups (WG)
EFOMP_New_WG_proposal_PS14_Revision_final.pdf Size: 459,03 KB
EFOMP_PS14_revision_WG_announcement.pdf Size: 157,27 KB
EFOMP_WG_member_application.pdf Size: 90,96 KB