Opportunity to seek support for courses and conferences as well as scientific research activities via the ENEN+ Project grants

Publication Date: Oct 26th, 2018 21:25, Category: EFOMP Announcements

Medical physics students, post-docs and professionals are able to seek financial support for a number of activities in connection to the European project ENEN +.

The ENEN+ Project was initiated by the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association. It aims to revive the interest of young generations in career development in the nuclear sector. The project focuses on four main nuclear disciplines: nuclear reactor engineering and safety; waste management and geological disposal; radiation protection and medical applications. In order to achieve its objectives, the ENEN+ project supports financially, through mobility grants, students and professionals wishing to carry out education or training activities in nuclear fields, including medical physics. These mobility actions must be transnational and need to be completed before the end of the project (31st September 2020). 

The applications are evaluated from Mobility Committees and EFOMP is a member of the Committee in the Medical Applications discipline.The call is now open for applications until September 30th 2020, or while funds are available. Until today a total sum of € 72,793 has been granted to Medical Physicists in order to attend courses, conferences, research exchanges or training to other health centres.

Grants have previously been approved to medical physicists to attend ESMPE courses, EUTEMPE Network modules, ECMP 2018 and ESMPE pre-courses in Copenhagen. These applications correspond to 61% of the Medical physics grants, while the remainder were provided for attendance at other conferences or seminars, or for internships between Medical Physics centres. There are about two remaining years for distribution of further grants. 

Deadline for applications are set to several occasions during 2019 and 2020.

For more information, please visit: https://plus.enen.eu/grants/

EFOMP school editions in 2019-2020: https://www.efomp.org/index.php?r=pages&id=esmpe-upcoming-editions

EUTEMPE net courses: https://www.efomp.org/index.php?r=pages&id=eutempe-rx

First European Nuclear Competition for Secondary School Pupils. Information