Publication Date: Jul 16th, 2024 10:00, Category: EFOMP Announcements

EFOMP hereby announces a new Working Group (WG) entitled “DICOM-QSPECT-MRT” Unlike PET, the current SPECT DICOM standard does not include mandatory fields for quantitative imaging (e.g., SUVs) and is poorly suited to MRT absorbed dose calculation traceability. Quantitative procedures in clinical nuclear medicine and the traceability of both diagnostic and therapy dosimetry require the documentation of several variables/tags, and their storage. In the proposed WG we aim to bring together key stakeholders to identify the way in which a future MRT-DICOM standard should be implemented. The identification of pre-existing tags, or tags that could be used for this purpose, will be carried out and then translated into a joint recommendation.

The proposed chair of the WG is Jaroslav Ptáček (CZ) and the expected outcome is a publication in the European Journal of Medical Physics with the recommendation regarding additional information tags required for the DICOM-MRT standard. The full WG proposal can be found here.

The term for accepting nominations is from 11th of July and 26th of August 2024. Nominations must be made electronically using this google form.

Please see the attached files for more details!
