EMP News Summer 2023!
Publication Date: Jun 15th, 2023 10:55, Category: EMP News
Dear Reader,
EFOMP is delighted to announce the publication of the Summer 2023 issue of its quarterly newsletter, European Medical Physics News.
As the cover page of this edition suggests, the theme of this issue is to inspire you to join the authoring team. Small aspects of your professional identification and activity can be shown. Do not be hesitant to tell us about how you feel and what you do in your leisure and professional times. We always appreciate your views, and it is always beneficial to share your experiences with others.
You will find in this release messages from Paddy Gilligan, EFOMP President, and Efi Koutsouveli, EFOMP Secretary General and Vice President. Brenda Byrne, the Chair of the EFOMP Professional Matters Committee and the current Assistant Secretary General of EFOMP, and Jaroslav Ptáček, the treasurer of EFOMP, have also shared their individual overviews of their recent long journey with the EFOMP officers to Reykjavik, Iceland, from March 30th to April 1st, 2023. Irene Hernández-Girón, who was recently appointed as Secretary of the EFOMP Scientific Committee, wrote an overview of her professional career for the EFOMP newsletter.
For this Summer issue of EMP News, Danielle Dobbe-Kalkman, Educational Advisor at EMP News, spoke with Dr. Colin Martin, a leading expert in the fields of diagnostic radiology physics, and radiation protection in the United Kingdom, for the fifth installment of this series. Dr. Colin Martin is an honorary senior lecturer at Scotland's Glasgow University.
In this edition, Iuliana Toma-Dasu, Editor-in-Chief of Physics Medica, selected three articles from the most recent issue of Physica Medica (EJMP). Liene Balode also summarises her thesis on the MRI Field-Cycling Imaging (FCI) technique conducted at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and Gavin Poludniowski, Markus Hulthén, Artur Omar, Jonas Andersson and Christoffer Granberg continued their article series: Hacking Medical Physics Part 5: Python-powered X-ray Beam Predictions.
In addition to our popular Medical Physicist's art and hobby collection, which includes Images and Reflections for Medical Physics by Professor Jim Malone, the Aurora Team continued their Project: Cancer and Its Treatment from the Inside Through Comic Strips: Part II. David Scicluna also shares his experiences of growing crops in Malta, which is his way to rest his mind from Medical Physics work.
In terms of professional matters, we have a few articles here that would interest you: Carmel J. Caruana announces the New Policy Statement (PS18) of Teaching Medical Physics to the Non-Physics Healthcare Professions; Katryna Vella encourages newcomers to the medical physics profession to join EFOMP's Early Career Special Interest Group; and Pablo Mínguez Gabiña provides his regular update on Special Interest Group for Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry (SIG_FRID) activities.
In this release, there are three messages from the national member organisations: Agnese Katlapa reports from the Latvian Medical Engineering and Physics Society; Roberto Sánchez, María Luisa Tormo from Radiological Protection Aspects by the Spanish Society for Radiological Protection (SEPR) and the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN); and Marta Sans Merce, President of the Swiss Society for Radiobiology and Medical Physics (SSRMP).
There are a good number of meeting reports, training courses, and meeting announcements in this release; you can find them in the last series of articles in this release. Also, a collection of recent articles written by EFOMP company members for your reading pleasure is distributed everywhere in the newsletter.
I would like to reiterate the announcement of the emergence of the EFOMP mailbase discussion list: for anyone who has not joined yet, please send a subscription request by visiting the public subscription page at the following link and following the instructions: https://lists.efomp.org/mailman/listinfo/europeanmedicalphysics then you can send your first message or messages to the group using the email address: europeanmedicalphysics@lists.efomp.org.
Finally, if you would like to suggest a topic or contribute an article, please email us at pubcommittee@efomp.org.
If you would like to subscribe to receive early notice of future editions, please sign up using this link.
To join the EFOMP mailbase discussion list, please send a subscription request by visiting the public subscription page at the following link: EuropeanMedicalPhysics Info Page (efomp.org)
Mohamed Metwaly and the Editorial Team (pubcommittee@efomp.org), March 2023.
You can download the EMP News Summer 2023 issue by following this link.