European Medical Physics News edition Autumn 2017

Publication Date: Jan 3rd, 2018 19:44, Category: EFOMP Announcements

 The EFOMP Communications & Publications Committee is responsible for the representation and promotion of the application of physical sciences to medicine in the public. This includes:

 We have just released the Autumn 2017 issue of the EFOMP newsletter, EMP News:

 As you may have seen in the Summer as well as in this Autumn issues, EMP News intends to dedicate attention to the activity of young medical physicists all over Europe, via presentation of their work.

 Release of next issues is foreseen in 2018 on 1 March (Spring issue), 1 June (Summer issue), 1 September (Autumn issue), 1 December (Winter issue).

 We encourage submission, via NMO delegates, of short articles to EMP News, by PhD students, resident physicists, graduate students in medical physics, illustrating the highlights of their research, also in the form of interviews.

 We also encourage submission of announcements and reports of events of interest for our European community of medical physicists. A specific type of welcome articles refers to the illustration of recent research highlights in medical physics, in particular from European centers. Educational and professional news will also be of interest for EMP News. News from national IDMP events are welcome.

 Articles should normally be no longer than 600 words, with color figures and figure legends, in the form of a MS Word file and separate high resolution image files, plus a photo of the author(s) and corresponding 50-word biography. Articles should be sent to  at least two weeks before the publication date.

 NMOs are also encouraged to nominate their representatives to the CP Committee.



 Paolo Russo

 EFOMP Communications & Publications Committee