Early career medical physicist groups in Europe: An EFOMP survey in the European Journal of Medical Physics

Publication Date: Feb 9th, 2022 20:27, Category: EFOMP Announcements

The results of the EFOMP survey on the status of early career groups in EFOMP NMOs, prepared by the members of the European Matters Committee chaired by Loredana Marcu have been published in the European Journal of Medical Physics. Thanks to all NMOs for their contribution and answers.

Anyone clicking on this European Journal of Medical Physics link before March 30, 2022 will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect:


EFOMP is planning to create a Special Interest Group (SIG) encompassing early career MPs from across Europe. A call for members will be launched soon.

In addition to this action, the ECMP2022 scientific, local and congress planning committees are organising a 'young physicists corner' in Dublin, where colleagues can interact, discuss, liaise. More info on the congress programme, abstract submission and registration at https://www.ecmp2022.org/

Please inform your colleagues.