2nd EFOMP-COCIR Webinar on IEC Standards

Publication Date: Apr 19th, 2021 16:52, Category: EFOMP Announcements

The 2nd EFOMP-COCIR Webinar will take place Thursday May 20th from 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CET

Webinar: "IEC standards for radiotherapy equipment"

Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3362869921695925008

Standards play a crucial part in our lives. In healthcare, standards have an indispensable role for the proper functioning of medical devices, for correct transmission of information, for therapy, for monitoring and support in treatment, and much more. Thus, standards help manufacturers to produce safe medical devices with constant high quality and, as such, help competent authorities to ensure that medical devices in their country provide the performance they want for their citizens.

All stakeholders are invited to participate in the drafting of international standards so that the requirements in these standards get the widest possible support. The rules under which standards are developed in IEC reflect six principles: openness, transparency, impartiality and consensus, effectiveness and relevance, coherence, and development dimension. This is to make sure that the result reflects the state of the art, regardless whether the experts are from industry, medical practice, test institutes, or authorities. Decisions come through voting by the National Committees. Having multiple rounds of commenting, redrafting, and voting, the standards mature to a level that is relevant for all stakeholders.

The first introductory webinar provided an overview of the functioning and structure of IEC. The videorecording is accessible via EFOMP e-learning platform.

This second webinar will cover standards in radiotherapy, which belong to SC 62C WG1. Both speakers are experts in this working group, and they will give examples of the standardization process based on personal experience. The importance of active participation from experts with different background, both theoretical and practical, in the development of the IEC documents will be highlighted.

Panelists for the webinar include Loredana Marcu (EFOMP-European Matters Committee Chair) and Emer Kenny (EFOMP-Internet Manager).


Inger-Lena Lamm studied at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, and graduated with a Master of Science in Engineering, Engineering Physics, in 1965. She was teacher and researcher at the department of mathematical physics 1964-74 and received her PhD in 1974, subject "Theoretical studies of some equilibrium properties of stably deformed nuclei". The same year she changed from mathematical physics to radiation physics, formally completing her MSc in Medical Physics in 1976. She was a medical physicist at Lund University/Hospital – clinical radiotherapy, education, training, and research – from 1974 until her official retirement in 2011.

She was elected President of the Swedish Hospital Physicists Association in 1987, and President of EFOMP in 2000.

She held various advisory and board-member positions in national and international organisations, participated in EU projects and in the organisation of national and international conferences and workshops.

Since 1997 she has been involved in radiation therapy standardisation as an expert in WG 1 of IEC SC 62C, and she has been Chairman of the Swedish mirror committee SEK TK62BC since 2005 and continuing. Formal retirement has meant more time for family matters: three children, nine grandchildren, her husband, and dog.


Thomas Jakob

Thomas Jakob the regulatory and quality assurance head of Varian Medical Systems Imaging Laboratory in Switzerland. After he graduated with an Engineering Degree in mechanical engineering, he started his career as a software developer and in 2001 joined Varian Medical Systems where he held various positions.

Since 2009 he is actively participating in the standardization work and a member of IEC SC62C WG1. Meanwhile he is also involved within committees ofSC62B and was integral part of the work for SC62A JWG9 Robotic. He is the Chair of the Swiss National Committee TK62 that mirrors IEC TC62 and all its subcommittees.