ESMPE On-line Edition: Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry
Publication Date: Jun 16th, 2021 07:00, Category: EFOMP Announcements
This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 3 rd European Congress of Medical Physics. This mini-course will focus on practical issues related to the implementation of clinical nuclear medicine dosimetry, mostly in a therapeutic context.
The morning session will present a basic reminder of NM dosimetry principles and use, discuss available software solutions for clinical dosimetry and present uncertainty analysis applied to Nuclear Medicine dosimetry practice according to recent EANM guidelines.
The afternoon session will be dedicated to reproducibility, robustness and metrology applied to nuclear medicine dosimetry. Finally, OpenDose3D, an opensource 3D Slicer module for patientspecific dosimetry will be demonstrated.
The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the field of NM dosimetry.
Speaker information
Mark Konijnenberg, Erasmus, Rotterdam, NL
Title: Clinical dosimetry «in practice»
Current clinical therapeutic workflows are mostly driven by clinicians, and physicists are asked to give their input for a technical problem. How does a medical physicist take his responsibility for radionuclide therapies, both in a situation where dosimetry is requested by the treating physicians or in the situation where it’s not (established clinical routine)?
Discussions on the clinical workflow design (which protocol for which application).
Responsibility of the medical physicist to include dosimetry-guided treatment planning in the clinical workflow.
Manuel Bardiès, IRCM, Montpellier, France
Title: Software selection: commercial, academic or both?
The availability of commercial software designed for clinical dosimetry is a game-changer in the field. It raises the question of the evaluation of these software, their interoperability with available clinical resources. The objective is to initiate a discussion on the expected characteristics of such software with the objective to impulse standardisation of clinical dosimetry.
Presentation of available commercial/academic software: integration in the dosimetry workflow and desirable features
Discussions on interoperability – towards standardisation?
Jonathan Gear, ICR/RMH, Sutton, UK
Title: Uncertainties in nuclear medicine clinical dosimetry
In this presentation we will discuss the various sources of uncertainty that arise in the dosimetry process following molecular radiotherapy. Methods for uncertainty propagation based on EANM guidelines will be presented alongside clinical examples demonstrating the magnitude and implication of such uncertainties.
Presentation of the EANM guidelines – sources of uncertainties
Practical examples of the use of the guidelines
Ludovic Ferrer, ICO, Nantes, France
Title: Reproducible science: Tools to increase traceability and robustness
As medical physicists, we are trained to perform quality assurance on medical devices, but much less trained to deal with the security of the data produced in our everyday work, whether produced by medical devices or from our own calculation tools.
Moreover, most collected data are simply processed through tabular spreadsheets that are far from being the most secure piece of software. The objective of this presentation is to present some freely available tools that can be helpful to implement a robust pipeline for collecting and processing the data we are dealing with.
Quality insurance
Scripting, developments
Andrew Robinson, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
Standardisation and metrology for clinical dosimetry
All clinical administrations and subsequent measurements of radionuclides should be traceable to an appropriate standard of radioactivity for a specific isotope. The traceability chain for nuclear medicine will be introduced and the specific measurement requirements for clinical dosimetry will be considered.
Traceability for radioactivity measurements
Metrology requirements for clinical dosimetry
Alex Vergara Gil, CRCT, Toulouse, France
Title: The OpenDose collaboration and OpenDose3D: a Slicer-based software for patient-specific dosimetry
3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical imaging, image processing, and three-dimensional visualisation. We developed additional features needed for patient-specific dosimetry. The module has been developed collaboratively in order to establish mechanisms through which it can continue to evolve with clinical need. Users can engage directly in the development, and provide new functionality with addition and support. Being part of the OpenDose collaboration [1], the whole project is publicly available/accessible. A demo of OpenDose3D capability will be made.
1Chauvin et al. J Nucl Med 2020; 61:1514–1519
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