EFOMP School scientific committee - call for nominations 2021
Publication Date: Mar 31st, 2021 12:49, Category: EFOMP Announcements
According to the present EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE) Terms of Reference, one position in the scientific committee of ESMPE will be open for election in 2021. Elected member will take the office from May 2021.
Therefore, it is our pleasure to invite your National Member Organisation to submit nomination for this position.
The nominated person must fulfil criteria according to the ESMPE Terms of Reference:
- a minimum of 10 years’ experience in a senior position in medical physics, normally as an MPE;
- a position which entails (or has in the past entailed) appraisal and management of the performance of individuals engaged in medical physics;
- experience of teaching in medical physics at postgraduate level (EQF level 8);
- academic qualifications and experience in medical physics equivalent to EQF level 8;
- a membership of the NMO in EFOMP
The nomination for this post must include the following documents:
- a formal letter of nomination including the name and affiliation of the nominee, from the President of the EFOMP NMO of which the nominee is a member.
- a letter from the candidate accepting his/her nomination.
- a statement by the nominee in relation to the post for which he/she is nominated demonstrating a knowledge and interest in the field and highlighting any other experience which makes them suitable for the post (up to 500 words).
- a short CV limited to 3 pages A4. The CV should cover the nominee’s qualifications as specified in the section above.
Nominations should be sent to the Secretary General by email to: secretary@efomp.org
Nominations should reach the Secretary General no later than 23rd of April, 2021.
EFOMP School current composition
EFOMP2021_14_ESMPE_call_2021.pdf Size: 247,62 KB