Haiku contest - Celebrating 40 years of EFOMP

Publication Date: Jul 10th, 2020 08:00, Category: EFOMP Announcements

In the light of EFOMP’s 40th anniversary EMP News invites all medical physicists to write a Haiku and participate in this contest.
The Haiku is a popular Japanese verse form in which deep thoughts may be expressed in just 3 lines and 17 syllables. The first line has 5, the middle one 7 and the last one again 5 syllables. It is as easy as this, and still it is intriguing.
Show your poetic ability and combine your rational side with your feelings. A reference to medical physics, Europe or EFOMP is appreciated, but not mandatory.

Here are some examples for inspiration.
Cel-e-bra-ting this
an-ni-ver-sa-ry is just
what we need these days


Phy-sics lays right down
in the heart of me-di-cine,
dri-ving the sys-tem

Me-di-cal Phy-sics
In Eu-rope is a great feat
Cel-e-brate this now!

Send your Haikus (3 maximum) to the EMP News Editorial Board (pubcommittee@efomp.org) before October 30th 2020.

Winning Haikus will be published in the EMP News Winter edition, a fine read for Christmas. 
The winners will gain eternal fame and the joy of satisfaction...

EFOMP@40 events