ECMP 2020 Postponed to June 16-19, 2021
Publication Date: Apr 14th, 2020 14:12, Category: EFOMP Announcements
Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you and your families are well during this difficult time. We are all together in this crisis.
Many countries have been critically affected by COVID-19. We all have to deal with uncertainties in almost every aspect of our lives and it is clear that we will need time to recover. Therefore, although all the members of EFOMP are firmly committed to ECMP 2020, we have decided, together with the Italian Association of Medical Physics, to postpone our Congress:
The 3 rd European Congress of Medical Physics, organized by EFOMP and hosted by AIFM will be held in Torino, Italy, June 16 th -19 th , 2021.
This postponement is a fully-equivalent replacement for the planned event originally scheduled for September 23-26, 2020 and for this reason we decided to leave the original name of the event "ECMP 2020". The ESMPE pre-congress meetings will also be postponed and will take place on 16 th June 2021, immediately before the ECMP.
Registration fees for the ECMP and the ESMPE pre-congress meetings will be unchanged for the new congress date. Registration for ECMP 2020 (taking place in June 2021) remains open.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to our participants and industry partners for their understanding, continuous support and flexibility in this challenging situation. Most of our industry partners have already expressed their ongoing commitment and are fully on board for ECMP 2020 in June 2021.
Specific information for participants who already made arrangements for September 2020 is as follows:
If you have already submitted abstract(s) for ECMP you will be contacted soon by the ECMP secretariat, who will offer the following three opportunities:
- You may keep the abstract as originally submitted;
- You may modify the abstract;
- You may withdraw the abstract.
If you have already registered for the Congress you will be contacted soon by the ECMP secretariat, who will offer the following two opportunities:
- You may keep your registration in place (and in that case no action is required from your side);
- You may withdraw your registration, with a full refund of the registration fee.
- If you arranged accommodation through the ECMP secretariat, your booking will be automatically transferred to the new dates (if you are keeping your registration) or cancelled (if you choose to withdraw your registration), with no fee.
- If you arranged accommodation yourself for September 2020, you should contact the hotel
- or agency with which you booked, to discuss their policy on date changes or cancellation.
- Most airlines have policies in place regarding date changes or cancellations arising from changed circumstances due to COVID-19. You are advised to contact your travel provider directly.
Our constant aim is to maintain and strengthen the European community of Medical Physics. Our Congress is an excellent occasion to do so. Therefore, we are already looking forward to welcoming you to Torino in June next year!
Yours sincerely,
Mika Kortesniemi, President of ECMP 2020
Marco Brambilla, President of EFOMP
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