Individual Associate Membership - EFOMP President’s message

Publication Date: Jan 20th, 2020 09:58, Category: EFOMP Announcements

Dear Colleagues,

EFOMP wishes to involve in its activities as many Medical Physicists as possible. At the same time, it reiterates, that EFOMP is a Federation of National Member Organisations and it does not wish to weaken that aspect of its structure. To this end it has created a new class of membership called Individual Associate Membership (IAM). 

Since the beginning of January 2020, the EFOMP e-learning platform  (in which the editions 2018-2020 of our European School for Medical Physics Experts have been video recorded and uploaded) will be accessible to all the ones wishing to become IAM of EFOMP. The access will be given not only to the European Medical Physicists but to all the colleagues around the world who are interested in continuing their education and training.

However, since this change needs time to be properly disseminated and in order to have a smooth transition from the previous system to the new one, we decided to prolong the access until 29th of February 2020 to the ones who currently have been admitted and used the e-learning platform, due to their participation in one or more editions of the EFOMP School (ESMPE) and/or European Congress of Medical Physics 2018 (ECMP2018).

In this way we, will have enough time to advertise the changes in the access rules of the e-learning platform and ensure a smooth transition from the "old" to the "new" system.

To become an IAM is a very simple process: you only have to complete an online registration form and pay online a fee of 15 euro/year through EFOMP website.

Individual Associate Membership (IAM) platform

 I hope that you will continue to support EFOMP by becoming an Individual Associate Member.


Best regards 

Marco Brambilla
President of EFOMP