EORTC - EFOMP questionnaire

Publication Date: Jan 10th, 2020 17:16, Category: EFOMP Announcements

In an effort to paint a picture of radiotherapy quality assurance in different countries, EFOMP and EORTC have drafted a questionnaire on local regulations and practices for acceptance tests and periodical QA on radiotherapy machines. The questionnaire contains 10 general questions on QA for acceptance and periodical checks + 3 questions on clinical trials. You do not necessarily have to fill this in yourself, please feel free to forward this to a colleague in your national association if you feel it appropriate.


EFOMP and EORTC hope to share informative results of this survey for informative purposes and to help in the harmonization of procedures. If you want the information of your country to remain confidential you can indicate it at the end of the survey. We thank you for your time.

Oscar Casares Magaz, Chair of EFOMP EU matters committee (eucommittee@efomp.org)

Enrico Clementel, EORTC RTQA Manager (enrico.clementel@eortc.org)
