ECMP Newsletter 1 September 2019

Publication Date: Oct 1st, 2019 08:21, Category: EFOMP Announcements

One year to go to ECMP 2020 in Torino! 

Embracing Change, Sharing Knowledge.

It is my pleasure to welcome all European medical physicists to participate in ECMP 2020 in Torino, Italy. Following the successful ECMP2018 in Copenhagen, we are looking forward to meeting an increased number of colleagues from all medical physics disciplines.
The organizing committee of the congress is also happy to announce Spain as the welcome nation of ECMP 2020. Our profession has always been constantly moving along with the new physical, technological, and quantitative methods emerging to support medicine. During recent years, we have witnessed even more rapid advancements in many areas, such as artificial intelligence. We should embrace this change by using our expertise and updating our knowledge. Embracing change and sharing knowledge is also the guiding objective of ECMP 2020 and its scientific program.

Mika Kortesniemi - President of the ECMP 2020

Call for abstracts
The ECMP 2020 congress programme will include selected oral communications and e-poster presentations on the following topics:

Radiotherapy (RT)
Diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine (NM)
Diagnostic and interventional radiology (DR)
Radiation protection and dosimetry (RP)
Biomedical engineering (BE)
Informatics (IT)
Professional issues (PR)
Education and training (ET)

Abstract submission

ECMP2020 will provide an important forum for companies to showcase their latest advances, ideas, technologies, products and services. 

Exhibitor and supporter prospectus

