Free access to the European Journal of Medical Physics for a limited period
Publication Date: Mar 30th, 2019 11:53, Category: EFOMP Announcements
Free access to the latest issues of the European Journal of Medical Physics - Physica Medica (the official journal of EFOMP) for a limited period via Science Direct
The March 2019 issue contains selected papers from the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics in Copenhagen
Guest Editors:
L. Marcu, I. Toma-Dasu, A. Lammertsma, B. Sattler, L. Strigari, D. Lurie, J.M. Edmund, M. Brambilla, D. Thorwarth, P.F. Kukołowicz, G. Mettivier, E. Samara, M. Bath and G.L. Poli