EFOMP Other Publications
This page contains publications written by EFOMP Committees, Working Groups and Special Interest Groups members as well as publications adopted by EFOMP or in which EFOMP had an input by nominating Medical Physics Experts.
Links are supplied if available.
Every effort will be made to ensure that the information contained in the pages is accurate and up to date, but the provider cannot assume any guarantee for completeness and accuracy.
EC RADIATION PROTECTION N° 198 - Current Status and Recommendations for Improving Uptake and Implementation of Clinical Audit of Medical Radiological Procedures (January 2023) (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/94c09d1b-9230-11ed-b508-01aa75ed71a1)
The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology (February 2022). (https://www.thegreenjournal.com/article/S0167-8140(22)00097-4/fulltext)
Focus Issue on Artificial Intelligence, EJMP, June 2021 (https://www.physicamedica.com/artificial-intelligence-medical-physics)
Focused Issue in Physica Medica with relevant papers on the subject in relation with the core points of MPE tasks in the curriculum.
Estimation of patient skin dose in fluoroscopy: summary of a joint report by AAPM TG357 and EFOMP (April 2021) (https://www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/detail.asp?docid=216&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)
Estimating Patient Organ Dose with Computed Tomography: A Review of Present Methodology and Required DICOM Information A Joint Report of AAPM Task Group 246 and the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (2019) (https://www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/RPT_246.pdf)
Medical Physics Staffing Needs in Diagnostic Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy: An Activity Based Approach, IAEA Human Health Reports No. 15, (2018) (https://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/12208/Medical-Physics-Staffing-Needs-in-Diagnostic-Imaging-and-Radionuclide-Therapy-An-Activity-Based-Approach)
Quality assurance in radiotherapy: the importance of medical physics staffing levels. Recommendations from an ESTRO/EFOMP joint task group. S. Beletti et al.; Radiother. Oncol. 41 (1996) 89-94. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8961373)