3d Geant4 International User Conference
Start Date: Oct 29th, 2018 00:00
End Date: Oct 31st, 2018 00:00
URL: http://geant4.in2p3.fr/2018/index.html
Location: Bordeaux, France
The conference will gather during 3 days developers and users of the Geant4 Monte Carlo general purpose simulation toolkit, as well as developers and users of Geant4-based tools such as TOPAS, GATE, etc. It will focus on biological, clinical and other medical applications, including:
- imaging
- radiotherapy treatments such as conventional x-ray radiotherapy, brachytherapy, targeted radioimmunotherapy
- protontherapy
- hadrontherapy
- radiobiology, including Geant4-DNA
- radiation protection
- detector development
- computing
A focus issue of the European Journal of Medical Physics (Elsevier) dedicated to "Advances in Geant4 applications in medicine" with Guest Editors: Sebastien Incerti, Jeremy M. C. Brown, Susanna Guatelli, Nick Reynaert, Joao Seco, Emiliano Spezi will be published in May 2019. Submission of articles is also welcome from presentations at the "Third Geant4 International User Conference at the Physics-Medicine-Biology frontier"
Οnline submission and editorial system for Physica Medica at https://ees.elsevier.com/ejmp/default.asp