34th Annual Congress of the Romanian Society for Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology / 9th National Congress of the Romanian Cancer Societies Federation

Start Date: Nov 2nd, 2023 08:00

End Date: Nov 5th, 2023 12:00

URL: https://srrom.medevents.ro/

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

34th Annual Congress of the Romanian Society for Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology / 9th National Congress of the Romanian Cancer Societies Federation

The 34th Annual Congress of the Romanian Society for Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology / 9th National Congress of the Romanian Cancer Societies Federation entitled “From Research to Daily Clinical Practice – Sharing Experience” will be held between 2nd and 5th November 2023 in Cluj-Napoca.

Education, progress, innovation and the multidisciplinary approach have always been core values of the Societies. It is a precious legacy that is proudly, responsibly and enthusiastically carried on. Therefore, the aim of the Congress is to provide a remarkable experience and an opportunity for debate, analysis and learning.
