IPEM: MR-SIG: Quality Assurance in MRI one day meeting

Start Date: Apr 29th, 2021 06:06

End Date: Apr 29th, 2021 16:07

URL: https://www.ipem.ac.uk/ConferencesEvents/ForthcomingConferences/EventDetails.aspx?dateid=596

Location: Online

MRI Quality assurance continues to be important for several reasons:

1) as part of acceptance testing to ensure each MR system performs as intended and is fit for purpose;

2) to help identify problems with the system, before they have significant detrimental impact on image quality.

3) to establish the inherent reproducibility of quantitative measurements, monitor their temporal stability and facilitate cross-site data comparison and pooling.

This meeting will explore all aspects of quality assurance in MR, providing a forum for discussion as well as sharing of experiences, software and new ideas.
